Level Lock vs August: A Detailed Comparison for the Smart Home Enthusiast

Welcome to the ultimate showdown in the smart lock industry: Level Lock vs August. If you’re on the fence about which smart lock to introduce into your smart home ecosystem, you’ve landed in the right place. We’re diving deep into the nitty-gritty of both brands, ensuring you have all the information you need, peppered with a dash of humor because let’s face it, comparing locks can get a tad dry. Let’s unlock the mysteries (pun intended) of these two giants in the smart lock world.

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In today’s fast-paced world, the smart home market is booming, with smart locks being a cornerstone of home security and convenience. Two brands stand out in the arena: Level and August. Both have their unique selling propositions, strengths, and weaknesses. In this article, we’ll explore the Level Lock vs August debate in detail, making your decision-making process as smooth as the operation of these locks themselves.

Level Lock: The Invisible Wonder

First up, let’s talk about Level Lock. Known for its innovative approach, the Level Lock impresses with its ‘invisible design’. It integrates into your door, maintaining the traditional lock aesthetics while packing a punch with smart features.


  • Invisible Design: Fits inside your door, keeping your door’s exterior unchanged.
  • Remote Access: Control and manage access from anywhere via the app.
  • Easy Installation: Installs in minutes with just a screwdriver.
  • Battery Life: Up to one year with a standard CR2 battery.
  • Voice Control: Compatible with Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant.


  • Sleek, unobtrusive design.
  • Maintains the traditional key access.
  • High-quality, durable build.


  • Pricier than some competitors.
  • Limited smart home integration compared to others.

August: The Smart Home Hub

August locks, on the other hand, are known for their robust integration with smart home systems and easy-to-use features. They’re designed to retrofit your existing deadbolt, making them versatile and user-friendly.


  • DoorSense Technology: Know if your door is securely closed and locked.
  • Guest Access: Grant temporary or permanent access to guests.
  • Activity Feed: Keep track of who comes and goes with a 24/7 activity log.
  • Auto-Lock/Unlock: Automatically unlocks when you arrive and locks when you leave.
  • Compatibility: Works with most single-cylinder deadbolts.


  • Extensive smart home compatibility.
  • Easy to install and use.
  • Versatile guest access features.


  • Bulkier design compared to Level Lock.
  • Battery life can be shorter depending on usage.

Level Lock vs August: The Face-Off

Now, let’s put these two head-to-head in a few key categories to see how they stack up.

FeatureLevel LockAugust
DesignInvisible inside doorExternal retrofit
Smart Home IntegrationLimitedExtensive
Installation EaseEasy with a screwdriverEasy retrofit
Guest AccessVia appAdvanced options
Voice ControlSiri, Alexa, GoogleAlexa, Google
Battery LifeUp to 1 yearVaries

Which Is the Best Overall Smart Lock?

Determining the best overall smart lock in the Level Lock vs August debate depends on your priorities. If aesthetics and maintaining the traditional look of your door are paramount, the Level Lock is unmatched. However, for those seeking robust smart home integration and versatility, August lock takes the crown.

Here is the video for Level Lock vs August Smart Lock comparison

Level Lock vs August Smart Lock video guide

FAQs About Level Lock vs August

  1. Can Level Lock and August locks be used on any door?
    Both locks are designed to be compatible with most standard doors. However, it’s essential to check the specific requirements for each lock.
  2. Do I need a professional to install these smart locks?
    Not necessarily. Both locks are designed for DIY installation, with detailed guides available.
  3. How secure are Level Lock and August smart locks?
    Both brands employ bank-level encryption and have multiple security features, making them highly secure against unauthorized access.
  4. Can I still use my keys with these smart locks?
    Yes, both locks allow for key access, ensuring you’re never locked out.
  5. What happens if the battery dies?
    Both locks notify you well in advance when the battery is low. Plus, August locks can be temporarily powered with an external battery if needed.


The Level Lock vs August debate boils down to what features matter most to you. If you’re after a lock that blends seamlessly with your door, Level Lock is the way to go. For those who prioritize smart home integration and flexibility, August is your best bet. Regardless of your choice, both brands offer top-notch security and convenience, making them excellent additions to any smart home.

Remember, the key to choosing the right smart lock is understanding your needs and preferences. We hope this detailed comparison has unlocked some insights and helped you make an informed decision. Happy locking!

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Hey there! I am an experienced 8-year lock craftsman in my job dealing with smart lock systems. During all these years, I have learned so much regarding locking systems and the peculiarities associated with them. Talking with people about different lock models is interesting for me all the time. Feel free to reach out!

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